
Showing posts from December, 2021

Flood Warning System using Arduino

  The sensor system without casing Project Concept Since now it’s entering the raining season, flood risks would increase. Because of this, I want to make a simple system and demonstration to help detect early indications of flooding. This project is about making a simple flood warning system using Arduino Tools   Ultrasonic Sensor   The ultrasonic sensor is a sensor used to determine distance. It uses ultrasonic sound waves, which are sound waves whose frequencies exceed 20000 Hz (the highest frequency humans can hear) and thus we cannot hear the sound waves they produce. These sound waves are transmitted from the sensor's transmitter (in this case it is labelled with T). When the waves reach an object or obstacle, they are reflected, and the sensor's receiver (labelled R in this case) detects the signal. HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor   The sensor has four pins, VCC, TRIG, ECHO, and GND. VCC and GND are commonly used names for power input and ground pin. The VCC pin is ...